All human time is an accumulation of individual seconds, each the same size, which the universe provides to us one at a time.
Time pieces™ are 1:744,000 scale sculptures that represent time as a collection of individual seconds. In human time, each second the earth travels 18.5 miles of its year long orbit around the sun, making the diameter of each second 18.5 miles long. A year contains over 31,000,000 of these seconds, and a life of 72 years is made up of over 2.25 billion, each one different from the last.
Time pieces™ are celluloid and composite representations of the size of each earth second, which accumulate to become various amounts of time as spatial entities.
Time pieces ™ is part of a large body of work by artist Michael Galileo that is designed to show the force we call time as a physical manifestation of a universal electromagnetic force which causes each moment to become the next in succession, and our reality to be as it is; a continually evolving collection of individual moments which, like atoms forming matter, accumulate to create the world around us which we experience as our "Continuous Now”.
“Seconds are like snowflakes- they are all of the same source and nature, but no two are ever exactly alike.”- M. Galileo
(Pictured; “30 Seconds” (cluster), “15 Seconds” (horz.), “30 Seconds” (vertical), “Past, Present and Future” (horz.) )